Here to help in the chat, and never, ever suspicious!
Fun Commands:
Knapsbot likes to join in on the fun. Here are some of his commands:
Returns a random funny knaps quote. Add a number (like !quote 101) to see a specific quote. Feel free to request quotes to be added!
Returns a random lesson in "Pittsburgh English". Knaps will help you with pronounciation.
Gives you a random fortune cookie fortune! New fortunes can be submitted on Discord.
Returns one of Zote's 57 precepts (From Hollow Knight)
Provides a random fun fact.
Prepare to cringe. Knapsbot tugs on his suspenders with a mighty dad joke.
!8ball [your question]
Ask a question and receive an answer from Knapsbot's magic 8-Ball function.
!ppduel [your opponent]
Measure and compare with your opponent to see who wins ;)
!legit [your target]
Analyzes how legit something is.
!rps [your opponent]
Lets you play Rock, Paper, Scissors against your opponent.
!hug [your target]
Hugs your target and counts hugs!
!slap [your victim]
Slaps your victim with a random object.
!linux [word 1] [word 2]
Returns a popular Linus Torvalds quote combining both words.
Lets knaps know you're going to be lurking (thank you!)
Lets knaps know you're going to sleep but leaving the stream open (thank you!)
Counts how many times knaps has sneezed.
Counts how many times knaps has yawned.
Counts how many times knaps has died.
Replies with some clap emotes.
Other Bots:
Sery_Bot and Nightbot are in chat to help, too. Here are some of their commands:
Returns a random dad-joke.
Returns a random nugget of wisdom from famous poet DJ Khaled.
Returns a random cat fact.
Returns a random dog fact.
Returns a random duck fact.
Returns a random capybara fact.
Returns a random cat picture.
Returns a random dog picture.
Returns a random duck picture.
Returns a random capybara picture.
!flip [target]
Flips the target text.
!angryflip [target]
Flips the target text... angrily.
!unflip [target]
Returns the poor flipped target back to its correct state.
Despite not wanting to, knapsbot can be quite helpful. These commands do useful things in chat.
Replies with the local time in Knapsland.
Replies with your total watch time on the channel.
Shows how long you've been following the channel.
Returns your account age. You can put another username after the command to get their account age.
Replies with the last time you were seen in the channel, and your last message.
Information on how to use TTS (text-to-speech)
Shows you how to get BetterTwitchTV, a browser extension that gives you more emotes to use!
Shows you how to get FrankerFaceZ, another browser extension that'll give you additional emotes to use.
!so [username]
Shouts out another streamer, and the last game they were streaming.
Replies with our default raid message for people to copy before raiding out.
Shows counts for subs/followers to the channel.
Replies with the game currently being played.
Shows how long the current stream has been live.
Provides links to here, twitter, and discord.
Provides a link to the discord.
Replies with a link to https://twitter.com/knaps_tv
Shows a link for the StreamElements tipping page.